An Examen. Hope.

Know You are in the Holy Presence of God.

Ask God to show you what He’d like you to see.

Recall the hope that you are grateful for.
Where did you feel hope today? What were you doing when you felt hope? Notice what comes to mind. Through whom have you encountered hope? Where were you able to give hope? Whatever resonates in your heart today, notice. Be grateful. Thank God. Rest in your gratitude with God.

Review Your Day.
Recall the movements of your day. Play through the scenes in your head… like watching a DVD. Notice the changing of your moods. Notice where there was hope, and where there was not.

Notice Failings.
Where did you feel a lack of hope? When was your heart going away from God instead of working with God? Where did you lack hope for yourself, or fail to offer hope to others? Tell God about these. Tell God about how it feels to notice these. Offer an apology.

Look forward to the future.
Tell God about what you have coming up in the coming hours, or in the following day (or days, etc.). What do you need from God? Where do you need God’s help with hope? Where do you need God’s help to give hope? Tell God about anything and everything that comes to mind.

Say an “Our Father.”